
How to renew your maid’s work permit

Your helper has just agreed to work for you for another 2 years and the next thing to do is to renew her work permit. If you’ve never done it before and don’t know how to go about doing it, this article is for you (or watch the explainer video here ). 2 ways to renew your helper’s work permit.  You can either go to any maid agency to help you with the paperwork for a fee. Or you can do it yourself to save costs. It’s really not that difficult. How to DIY The letter should arrive 8 weeks before the expiry date. 8 weeks before the permit expires, you should receive a letter from MOM. Once you receive the letter, you should do 2 things. #1. Get a new FDW medical and personal accident insurance plan. You also must get a new MOM-imposed security bond, which can be bought from the same insurer. The effective date of the security bond can be post-dated up to 1 day after the expiry date of the existing Work Permit. It will take up to 3 working days for your insurer to send MOM the security...

Step-by-Step guide to find the best maid agencies in Singapore

If you have been looking to hire a maid since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, you would have faced multiple challenges due to restrictions. There are now fewer maids available for hire and you will have to fork out additional fees for Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) and testing.  On top of that, there is also a new rule. From the start of 2021, if you need to hire a maid, you must get her medical insurance with a coverage amount of at least $10,000, This is to cover any medical expenses in the event that she develops COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of arriving in Singapore. The insurance must be bought before she arrives in Singapore. Demand for maids remain strong Despite the costs, the demand for maids remains strong . Now more than ever, employers hiring new maids want the assurance and guarantee of quality and well-trained maids. It is totally understandable considering the sizeable fee - which can amount to double of what you used to pay. This is why it’s importan t to go with mai...

Domestic workers and mobile phones

Channel NewsAsia's "Talking Point" touched on a very current albeit sensitive topic: "Helpers and Mobile Phones: Is there a Win-Win Solution?" . The news program “Talking Point” showed that many domestic workers are accessing social media apps on their smartphones during working hours, uploading seemingly harmless song and dance meme videos. "Should I allow my maid to use a handphone?" The employers interviewed on “Talking Point” discussed imposing rules on the use of smartphones, such as no using of phones in the day or until all chores are done. The most extreme view came from an employment agency that hires only domestic workers who are willing to sign a no-handphone agreement with their new employers.  Many want to impose restrictions on the use of mobile phones as they do not want their personal details revealed unwittingly on social media by their domestic workers. However, domestic workers leave their home countries and do not see their famil...

4 tips to train your domestic worker

Just hired a new or transfer domestic worker from a maid agency ? If you are lucky, your worker will be equipped with training as promised by her maid agency. If you are not, you will need to impart skills as she enters your household, starting with the very basic chores. The first barrier to effective training is language. Many times, employers have to use simple English and animated gestures to communicate with their limited or non-English-speaking workers. First, decide which is the language of instruction. Some employers need their domestic worker to get down to work immediately so it is a priority of short-term goals, and in this case, chores. But the long-term objective is to learn how to communicate more effectively with your worker. The key is not to overwhelm your domestic worker with learning a new language and the rules of your household all at once! Here are 4 tips to help your domestic worker get up to speed in a short time! 1. Provide a schedule  Create a weekly...

Want to work with us?

We are looking to partner with employers who are experts at domestic chores and who can suggest relevant topics to benefit households of various ethnic groups. Contact us for details.

Press Release: Singapore’s First Video Training App for Migrant Domestic Workers to Increase Skills and Productivity

For Immediate Release Just hired a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW)? You’re in luck. An innovative app, Step Up, has launched an easily-accessible online video training app that guides MDWs on what it takes to care for homes and family members. The videos are narrated in the workers’ native languages. Set to deliver great benefits to both employers and domestic workers alike, Step Up is created by a progressive video tech company, Infini Videos. There is no other training technology for MDWs in Singapore to increase their skills. The Need for Training & Education While training is crucial for any job success, most employers of domestic workers are usually families with many of the members having full-time jobs. Training their domestic workers is currently done face-to-face and can take up to a few months to achieve competency. And when a MDW makes poor personal choices such as borrow from moneylenders or fall for scams, her actions could also directly impact the employer’s family, esp...