Step-by-Step guide to find the best maid agencies in Singapore

If you have been looking to hire a maid since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, you would have faced multiple challenges due to restrictions. There are now fewer maids available for hire and you will have to fork out additional fees for Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) and testing. On top of that, there is also a new rule. From the start of 2021, if you need to hire a maid, you must get her medical insurance with a coverage amount of at least $10,000, This is to cover any medical expenses in the event that she develops COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of arriving in Singapore. The insurance must be bought before she arrives in Singapore. Demand for maids remain strong Despite the costs, the demand for maids remains strong . Now more than ever, employers hiring new maids want the assurance and guarantee of quality and well-trained maids. It is totally understandable considering the sizeable fee - which can amount to double of what you used to pay. This is why it’s importan t to go with mai...