Step Up for Agencies: The online video training tool is now available to employment agencies to enhance domestic worker training

Step Up transforms domestic worker training for employment agencies with an innovative online video training tool: Step Up for Agencies. Step Up for Agencies is the ultimate white label solution for employment agencies looking for a full or hybrid online training program for their domestic workers. Our platform offers a simple and easy-to-use admin panel and dashboard for agencies to create worker accounts, manage training, view progress, and monitor results. With Step Up for Agencies, agencies can have their own branded learning websites, powered by our extensive library of over 150 training videos. The videos are available in multiple languages including Bahasa Indonesia and Tagalog, and cover a wide range of topics, including cleaning, cooking, child care, financial literacy and many more, so that domestic workers can acquire the skills they need to excel in their roles. Results Guaranteed! Our platform is designed to save employment agencies time and money while providing their wor...