How one of Singapore's largest Maid Agencies Transformed Their Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW) Training with Step Up

Mr Tay Khoon Beng, Director of Best Home Employment Agency
Photo: Best Home

Best Home is a leading employment agency in Singapore with 26 years of experience in maid-employer matching, training, documentation and mediation. Their maid training program is conducted in-house with trainers providing training to domestic workers at local centres in their home countries. Although this method was effective in producing well-trained helpers, it was also time-consuming and sometimes inconsistent due to varying trainers' methods.

In 2022, as the domestic help industry raced to resume operations post-pandemic, Mr Tay Khoon Beng, Director of Best Home started to look at solutions to improve maid training. “I wanted a standard online curriculum that could be used to train MDWs of all nationalities. E-learning was the way to go since all MDWs have mobile phones and can easily access the training materials even back at their home countries.”

A comprehensive training curriculum

The solution he found was Step Up Maid Training, a white label platform that features over 150 training videos in English, Bahasa Indonesia, Burmese and Tagalog. These micro-videos cover a wide range of topics, including cleaning, cooking, child care, financial literacy, and more, and there are also quizzes to test the domestic workers.

With Step Up, Best Home can easily create new accounts for the domestic workers, manage their training and view progress, all with a simple and easy-to-use admin account and dashboard. The results of the training are automatically updated and sent to the employers of the domestic workers, Best Home’s clients, providing a transparent process and furthering client engagement and satisfaction.

Helpers learn new skills and knowledge on an on-going basis

According to Mr Tay, Step Up has been instrumental in scaling up Best Home’s training program. The agency now provides a more comprehensive training program that includes professional etiquette, financial literacy, and health and well-being. Step Up enables continuous learning for the domestic workers even after they are deployed, ensuring that their knowledge and skills are always up-to-date.

Mr Tay personally oversees the training program for new MDWs (Migrant Domestic Workers).
Photo: Best Home

Overall, Step Up has proven to be a valuable tool for Best Home as they strive to provide top-quality training to their MDWs.

To learn more about Step Up For Agencies, click here.

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